The latest proxy engine allows you to create a proxy-only copy of your library to share locally or via the cloud, and displays original media if proxies aren't available. Third-party tools, such as review and approval app, can also generate and deliver proxies to a Final Cut Pro library. Date: Sep 12, 2017 Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Description: We are thrilled to announce the finalists in our Young Shoots competition. First, Second, and Fan Favorite winners will be announced at the Young Shoots reception on Tuesday, September 12, from 6 – 7pm at Sugar & Olives restaurant in Norwalk (21 Lois Street).
St. Elizabeth Catholic Church
is a vibrant, Christ-centered community whose primary purpose is to celebrate the sacred liturgy and the Sacraments. Empowered by the Sacraments, we are called to personal holiness, to spread the word of God, and to actions of generosity and compassion toward all of God's people. We aspire, through prayer and action, to further God's kingdom on earth.
St. Elizabeth Catholic School
Our Mission: To provide a Christ-centered, child-focused learning environment where Catholic ideals and a tradition of excellence are instilled.
The first school in the Diocese of Kansas
City-St. Joseph to receive the Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award.
Online Giving
Memorial Donations
Follow us on Facebook and YouTube
Weekend - Live-stream Masses - Each Saturday at 4:30 on the STE YouTube channel ( Masses will be available as a recording at anytime.
We continue our regular weekend and weekday Mass schedule. All are invited to attend. We do require social distancing and mask wearing at each Mass.
We no longer require advance sign-ups or check-in to attend weekend Masses. Additionally you may enter and exit the church using any doors.
Masks are still required while in the church, as is 6 feet of social distancing between households. We have opened more pews, making individuals that much more responsible to remain masked and socially distanced. Cleaning of doors and pews will still be required after Mass, and we still need and welcome volunteers to assist with this.
We give thanks for all who have helped with this process over the past year, especially our Ushers, check-in staff, cleaners, and parish staff.
Volunteers are Needed
There is a lot that goes into these in-person Masses, much more than usual. We need volunteers to disinfect the church after each 4:30 pm and 7:30 am Mass.
KCSJ Parishioner Survey | How We Communicate With You
The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Office of Communications wants to hear from you as we restructure our department, launch new communications tools and promote the diocese's mutually shared vision, 'One Family: Restored in Christ - Equipped for Mission.'
Visit to access the survey.
EmbRace Justice Ministry
Wednesdays, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5 and 12
7:00 pm - 8:30pm
via Zoom
St. Elizabeth parishioners are invited to join a book study together with St. Therese Little Flower parishioners on Jemar Tisby's book, The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church's Complicity in Racism.
The sessions will meet by Zoom on Wednesday evenings, April 7 - May 12, from 7:00 - 8:30pm. If interested, register now at For more information, email
Tuesdays, May 4, 11, 18 & 25, 7 – 9pm
Wednesdays, May 5, 12, 19, 26, 10am - Noon
via Zoom
Who is Mary and what do we know about her from the
various Biblical passages that pertain to her? Women
theologians and biblical scholars have helped us come to a deeper understanding of Mary as a woman and mother in the first century male dominated Jewish world controlled by the Romans.
These four Zoom sessions explore these and other aspects of Mary's life as understood through the cultural and historical unpacking of various biblical passages pertaining to her. The sessions will be facilitated by Biagio Mazza, Pastoral Associate at St. Sabina Catholic Church in Belton, MO. To register, email Biagio at and please indicate your day preference.
Thank you for helping to Build Our Legacy!
Pledged: $5.68 Million
Total Collected: $5,443,085
We are thrilled to share this brand-new virtual tour of the new ECC with everyone.Click here to 'walk' through each of the classrooms and the common spaces.
Need to make a payment on an existing pledge or start a new gift? Click here to donate online via credit card or bank transfer.
Ministry for Moms of Young Children
Wednesdays, May 12th, 26th, June 9th, 23rd
7 pm
via Zoom
These days will undoubtedly challenge our parish financially. As you are able please make every effort to keep your support of St. Elizabeth Parish strong. St. Elizabeth now offers more options for convenient electronic giving. You can contribute anywhere, anytime right from your computer, smartphone or tablet. Our eGiving service, Vanco, provides tools to make giving simple even when you're unable to attend church. Their eGiving is safe and secure, and it allows you to designate your contribution to your tithe as well as the other church funds you're most passionate about.
Give online by clicking here or download our free GivePlus mobile app from the App Store or Google Play.
Get started today! Search 'GivePlus Church' in the App Store or Google Play for this free app. Click here for instructions and more information about this convenient mobile way to support St. Elizabeth.
You may continue to mail your contributions to the parish office, or leave them in the locked mailbox at the PMC. If you would like to set up an ACH (Automated Clearing House) withdrawal to assure that your contributions continue to happen regularly please click here and complete and return this form to the parish office.
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Thank you to everyone who has mailed, dropped off, or use the GivePlus app to keep up with their tithe in these days of social distancing!
St. Elizabeth El Salvador Ministry
$20,000 MATCH MET!!!
THANK YOU to all who contributed to the El Salvador Scholarship Fund. Your generosity ensures students like Joselyn can continue their studies. We also offer a special shout out to the group of donors who created this donation matching opportunity - thank you for helping inspire a legacy of giving at St. Elizabeth!!
Thank you to parishioner Matt Blume for creating this video:
In Their Own Words
STE Parishioner Matt Blume recently spoke via zoom to four scholarship students and asked about their experiences throughout the pandemic.
Click on their names (below) to view these short videos:
Give online by clicking here or download our free GivePlus mobile app from the App Store or Google Play.
Romero Community Art Therapy Program - Amazon Wishlist Link
Click here to view the video from our 2016 trip
Interested in the Catholic Church? Click on RCIA on the left for more information.
A million thanks to all the students, families, educators and parishioners of St. Elizabeth Parish and School for ALL you did to support FIRE Foundation's fundraising efforts this fall! We are so blessed to partner with such an enthusiastic and generous community. As you know, St. Elizabeth, once again, is the winner of the esteemed FIRE Ball Cup! Congratulations to all and thanks for buying all those raffle tickets.
How can you help keep our food pantry up and running?
There are ways you can help. There is now a drop-off bin outside the front door of the PMC each day, Monday-Friday, from 9 am-1 pm. Items may be left in the bin to replenish our pantry. You can also order non-perishable food online to be delivered to the PMC. We request that you notify Teresa at when delivery is expected. Please know that your continued support of the pantry is so greatly appreciated by our neighbors during this time of need. Thank you and keep up the great work! As of right now thanks to your generosity we are bringing in enough to keep up with the requests coming in.
You may now donate to the food pantry and STE social service program using the GivePlus mobile app. Search 'GivePlus Church' in the App Store or Google Play for this free app.
The Parish Office continues to be open by appointment only and some staff continue to work remotely.
If you need to reach one of our staff, the best way to do that will be by email. A listing of parish staff email is as follows:
Fr. Greg Haskamp:
Dcn. Mike McLean:
Beth Cressey:
Vicky Kinney:
Heather Solis:
Susie Adams:
Teresa Medina:
We will be checking the parish office voice messages (816-523-2405) daily.
Please remember emails from Fr. Greg or the parish staff will be sent from a address. Messages from other addresses are from scammers and are not legitimate. If you are unsure about a message or request please start a new email to the appropriate address. Do not reply to the original email.
Several parishioners have received emails recently from 'Rev. Greg Haskampp' or some other incorrect variation on his name, vaguely requesting assistance and asking for a reply.
If you receive such a message, please check 1) the email address with what is listed in the bulletin 2) the spelling of Fr. Greg's name and 3) the content of the message before replying, especially if the request is a vague invitation to help with an unspecified task. It most likely is a phishing scam.
Fr. Greg will typically use the phone to request a conversation with someone. If he uses email, the purpose is made explicit in the message and should obviously be connected to parish business. When in doubt, create a new message rather than replying to the original one.
This is not unique to St. Elizabeth and parishes across the country have been targeted. Here are two articles:
Experience Pietra Fitness…
Experience Pietra Fitness… A fitness class that stretches, strengthens and tones the body while refreshing the soul with prayer. In only one hour you will feel calmer, stronger, refreshed and renewed!
For information or to register for classes by Zoom, contact Mary Beth McClain, Certified Pietra Fitness Instructor, at
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Know Someone Who Could Use a Caring Visitor?
If you know of a housebound person who lives in our parish boundaries who would appreciate calls or weekly visits from a volunteer in our Caring Visitors ministry, please call the parish office at 816-523-2405.
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A Reminder
St. Elizabeth Parish does not share parishioner information with any outside business or organization. St. Elizabeth Parish does not endorse political candidates, nor does the parish allow any official campaign activity regarding individual candidates to take place in the name of the parish or on parish property.