React Page Template

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Best React Templates or React Themes collection list is compiled a list of some of the best React templates and themes on the internet. These templates are all are really great, so you can get started on your next project without having to spend any time!
Would you like to find the best React templates and themes on the internet? If so, we will help you find what you are looking for. There are many different types of React templates that may work for your business needs. In this blog post, we will go over some of the best options available so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for your company's needs!

Why would you need a React Template?

Fuse React written with the React Hooks (New feature of react let you use state and other React features without writing a class. Fuse React is a complete React admin template that follows Google's Material Design guidelines. Fuse React admin template uses Material UI as a primary UI library while using Redux Toolkit for the state management.

React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook that makes it easy to build interfaces. Templates are built using ReactJS. React Templates helps companies just like yours to increase performance through efficiency that is why ReactJS is used by companies like Salesforce, Uber, CNN, Netflix, Whatsapp, and many others.

  • Jan 30, 2020 Wookiee is a comprehensive web template based on React Next JS framework. It is adorned with a wide range of layouts and styles that empower you to create websites for various niches. The template has tons of components that will get you moving in the right direction without breaking a single drop of sweat.
  • Apr 08, 2021 Fuse React is a complete React admin template that follows Google's Material Design guidelines. Fuse React uses Material UI Next as a primary UI library while using Redux for the state management. It has built-in page templates, routing and auth features. It also includes 5 example apps, 20+ pages, lots of reusable react components and more.
  • Jan 13, 2021 Follio is the great Portfolio Multipurpose React Template that enables you to create a powerful Portfolio website.The Template layout contains custom made pages for Portfolio niche, Latest Portfolio, Service, Project, Team page and blog page.There is no doubt that Follio will make your Website look more impressive and attractive to viewers.
  • React Templates A selection of free react templates to help you get started building your app. The collection contains react dashboard, react admin, and more. Image CDN to deliver perfectly resized & optimized images.

Flone – React eCommerce Template

Flone – React eCommerce Template is the leading React JS powered e-commerce template in our list, equipped with a big collection of elements that will offer you multiple possibilities to kickstart your e-commerce journey. Developed in clean and highly customizable code, Flone boasts of a minimalist, super-smooth and creative web design along with tons of features and functionalities. In this package, you can take advantage of 38+ beautiful homepages with different header and footer variations. The responsive and cross-browser-friendly layout of this React JS template ensures a convenient browsing experience across all devices and modern browsers. Other amenities in this powerful React JS template include mega menu, Google fonts, W3C validate markup, font awesome icon, mini cart, swiper slider, Optimized for SEO and speed, Product Popup, Quick View, Blog section view, Countdown Timer and plenty more.

All these amazing and superb features of this top-notch React JS Template are available at a regular license fee of just USD 24

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Wokiee – React Next JS Multipurpose eCommerce Template

Wookiee is a comprehensive web template based on React Next JS framework. It is adorned with a wide range of layouts and styles that empower you to create websites for various niches. The template has tons of components that will get you moving in the right direction without breaking a single drop of sweat. You will get Prebuilt 4 Shop Pages, Prebuilt 4 Blog Pages, Grid/Masonry View, Google Font, Clean Code, Speed Optimized, No Console Error, Full Responsiveness, and Well Documentation.

All the amenities along with dedicated support and free updates are available only at 8$.

Castro – React Construction Template

Castro is a React-based construction template. It comes with a lot of features. Some of its features include 1000+ icon fonts, W3C validated code, speed optimized, Google Fonts, Font awesome, Free updates, Cross browser compatible, offline documentation, SEO friendly code, 100% responsive, 3 different Home Page Variations, 4 blog pages, 2 project pages, 3 service pages, etc.

Castro React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Bluetoof- Coming Soon React Template

The 'Coming Soon' page is a significant web page for any website. By deploying a well-designed 'Coming Soon' page on your website, you can let people know about the upcoming website or web services and boost the level of their anticipation. Thus, it will help you attract the interested users to push the 'Subscribe Button'.
Bluetoof is a complete premium package of Coming Soon page templates. In this bundle, you will get 20 unique 'Coming Soon' page templates powered with React (v 16.13.1), Bootstrap 4.4.1, and SASS. We have developed this superb template in a clean and W3C validated code. This modern Coming Soon / Under Construction React template is well-suited for any kind of websites, such as creative agency, portfolio, general business, or any other websites.
This stunning 'Coming Soon' webpage template is in tune with modern trends of web technology. It rocks a cross-browser compatible and fully responsive layout. Plus, customizing this template is also simple and straightforward.
Other goodies of Bluetoof include eye-catching background styles, Google Font, No JQuery dependency, Speed Optimized, Well Documented, No Console Error, Free Updates, etc.

All these amenities are available at a reasonable price. The regular license fee of Bluetoof is only USD 24.

Howard- Crypto Currency React Template

Howard is a premium React JS template built especially for digital currency exchange and commercial websites. So, those who are interested in online cryptocurrency businesses should opt for this unique React JS template. In this package, you will get 04 Home Variations, 03 Blog Pages, and useful inner pages like Service Details Page, About Page, Merchant's Page, Wallet Page, Login Page, Contact Page, etc. Besides, it provides you with tons of amazing features, such as Creative Design, Clean Markup, User Friendliness, Google Font, Responsive Design, Real Support, and Free Updates.

All the amenities are available just at USD 49.

Voopo- VOIP Service React Template

Voopo is an excellent, powerful, and streamlined multipurpose website building solution powered with the React JS framework. It would be the perfect choice for websites related to VOIP, Telecom, PPTP, VPN Service, SAAS, Technology, Domain & Hosting, and Cloud Services Business. It contains 02 unique homepage layouts with 07 inner pages and HTML5, CSS3 files. This comprehensive VOIP service template comes with tons of amenities. Some notable features of this template include Smooth Animations, Smooth Transition Effect, W3C Validate Markup, Google Ubuntu Fonts, Font Awesome Icons, and no jQuery dependency.

All the goodies in this bundle are available at only USD 24.

Businex- Corporate Business React Template

Do you want a perfect React JS based web solution for Business Agency, Corporate agency, Business Finance, Financing Investment services?
If the answer is yes, look no further than Businex- Corporate Business React Template.
It is an appropriate and ideal React JS template with a wide range of features, functionalities, and assets. This template comes with 14+ webpages in total with 02 unique homepage variations. It is powered with Valid ReactJS, SCSS, and Bootstrap 4.
This top-notch corporate business web template has a lot of features to offer. Some remarkable features are Responsive Layout, Font Awesome Icons, Well Documentation, Well Commented code, Speed Optimized, No Console Error, Easy Customization, and Lifetime free updates.

Try this all-round Corporate Business React JS template at only USD 24.

Torres – React App Landing Page Template

Torres is a multipurpose React landing page template that will help you create unique and visually appealing websites. This template has 2 home pages with 4 blog styles, 5 total layouts to choose from, 3 different blogs for your content needs plus 1000+ icons font! With great features like 100% responsive design or SEO friendly code – this site was built in order to satisfy all of your web designing wants and needs. It comes complete with free updates as well so be sure not to miss out on the latest version just by keeping up-to-date.

Torres comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Dandelion Pro – React Admin Dashboard Template

Dandelion Pro is a premium quality ReactJS template built on React Boilerplate. This template include 40+ reusable react components and modules, 10+ email templates, 100% responsive, 3 different dashboards and 2 landing pages, dark mode and light mode, etc.

Dandelion Pro also has multiple layouts and comes with RTL support. It is also reasonably priced and comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Portal – Angular, React & HTML Material Admin Template

Portal is a top-quality react template. It is one of the best react templates in 2020, built with Google's angular CLI and uses Google's angular material 2. Portal includes 6 different amazing layouts, RTL support, 30+ elements pages, 9 built-in themes, Chart JS widgets, 100% responsive, Lazy loading modules, etc.

All these great features of Portal comes with a regular license fee of just USD 34.

Fortress – React Admin Template

This is a fully responsive and multipurpose React template. Fortress is built with react, redux and material UI frameworks. It comes with features such as Recharts, React Table, React components, Webpack, etc.

Fortress comes at a reasonable price of only USD 34.

Nimmu – React Admin Template


Nimmu is a modern and fully responsive React template. It comes with multiple features, some of which are 70+ pages, 250+ UI elements, Recharts Chart JS charts for data visualization purposes in any type of application or project; including marketing campaigns – Ad campaign/ event management to name two examples among many others.

Nimmu has been built from the ground up using Material-UI components as well as prebuilt libraries such as react router 4 and materialize CSS that comes ready out of the box!

All these great features of Nimmu comes at a regular license fee of just USD 9.

Saasland – MultiPurpose React Template For Startup Business

Sassland is a multipurpose React Template with multiple features. Some of its features include 6+ different homepages, 16+ unique pages, 70+ element blocks, Retina Ready, etc.

Sassland is also 100% responsive with a flat and modern design. Sassland comes with a regular license fee of just USD 15.

Sigma – React Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Sigma is a fully responsive and premium quality React Template. It comes with numerous features. Some of its features include hot modules for faster loading, 3 different layouts, 8 different navigation bars, color styles, 100+ unique pages, 500+ widgets, 1500+ font icons, etc.


All these features of Sigma come at a regular license fee of just USD 28.

Boss Ultimate – React Admin Template Material Design

Boss Ultimate is an admin dashboard template made with React and Redux. It makes the development process easy and fast, comes with multiple features. Some of its features include 25+ reusable react components, fully vector icons, responsive design, load modules with a happy pack, elegant design, etc.

All these great features of Boss Ultimate comes at a regular license fee of just USD 20.

One – React Next.js & Ant Design Admin Template

One is a creative and multipurpose admin template made with React, Next.js and Ant Design. It comes with many features and functionalities. Some of its features include 100% responsive, ant design, good documentation, easy to customize, styled-components, etc. You can use it in multiple projects be it a CRM or CMS.

One comes with a regular license fee of just USD 21.

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Gogo – React Admin Template

GoGo is a multipurpose React Template. It has got some awesome features. Some of its key features include Multilanguage support, code splitting, form validation, 10 different color schemes, 4 different dashboards, lots of reusable components, smart menu, Draft JS, Chart JS, etc.

All these essential features of GoGo comes at a regular license fee of just USD 28.

Primer – Angular & React Material Design Admin Template

Primer is a creative React template with multiple features, including Material UI and JSS styling. Its also comes with easy customization options for your app's design needs!

All these great features of Primer comes with a regular license fee of just USD 26.

Clean UI React Pro — Multi-Concept Admin Template

Clean UI React Pro is a multipurpose React admin template. It is suitable for a variety of web applications like CRM, CMS, Dashboards, etc. It comes packed with lots of essential features. Some of its features include responsive layout, multiple layouts, 4 icon packs, modular code, free updates, 6 different layout types, code splitting, HRM plugin, dynamic import, VUEX store, firebase authorization, Ant Design UI Kits, etc.

All these awesome features of Clean UI React Pro comes at a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Material Design ReactJS Admin Web App with Bootstrap 4

React page template download

Material is a Google Material Design inspired React Template. It comes with multiple features for building different web applications for a variety of uses. Some of its features include responsive design, Material UI Kit, Powerful Layout, Multiple Themes, supports high resolution, Lazy loading, CSS3 with Sass, Modern HTML5, free updates, 900+ official material design icons, ES6 with Babel, package management with NPM, etc.

All these great and essential features of Material React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Free React Landing Page Template

Wieldy – React Admin Template Ant Design and Redux

Wieldy is a react template which includes html, jquery and bootstrap 4 versions as well. It can be used as an excellent starter kit for developing any type of web application. This comes with multiple features such as 200+ custom ant font icons, google maps, firebase APIs et cetera that include HMR (Hot Module Replacement), code splitting et cetera.

Wieldy has many useful features like you get 10 beautiful layouts to choose from when designing your website; 100 widgets; 3 layout colors to pick from – white black e blue.; Ant design next js version etc

Wieldy comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Reactify – React Redux Material BootStrap 4 + Laravel Admin Template

Reactify is premium quality and developer-friendly React Template. It is fully responsive and supports RTL languages. It also has many other features. Some of its features include a powerful dashboard, GTmetrix, horizontal menu, 30+ pages in sketch, 65+ exclusive widgets, 20+ chart widgets, Webpack 4, API integration, Axios, 1000+ font icons, etc

All these great and essential features of Reactify comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Multikart – Responsive React eCommerce Template

MultiKart is a multipurpose eCommerce React Template which is designed for use on variety of website. It comes with many features and some great ones include Dark and Light versions, SEO-friendly theme settings, customizable layout options in 10+ styles to fit your site's needs perfectly! With MultiKarts' mobile optimization you can be sure that it'll look phenomenal no matter what device people are viewing it from.

All these features of MultiKart E-commerce React Template come at a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Isomorphic – React Redux Admin Dashboard

Isomorphic is a React Template that is highly optimized for building React applications. Some of its features include free sketch files, Github access, Dockerfile, Code splitting, 100% responsive, Multilingual support, Async loading, Invoice builder, Algolia search, Ant Design, Styled component, Next.js, etc.

Isomorphic comes at a regular license fee of just USD 24.


Fuse – React Redux Material Design Admin Template

Fuse is a complete React Template. It uses Material UI, React Hooks and Redux. Some of its features include multiple layouts, easy color management, pre-built app examples, Firebase and JWT authentication, Skeleton project, 20+ content layouts, code splitting, error pages, maintenance page, etc.

All these wonderful features of Fuse React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 28.

Jumbo React – Redux Material BootStrap Admin Template

Jumbo React Template uses popular libraries such as Material UI, Redux, Redux-Saga, ReCharts, React-Big Calendar, etc. It comes with a pack of powerful features. Some of its features include 300+ UI Components, 150+widgets, and metrics, 25+Layered PSDs, 130+ designed pages, RTL support, Google Map, Multi-level routing, Dynamic routing, 100% responsive, 6 Navigation Styles, 6 in-built applications, Detailed documentation, etc.

All these essential features of Jumbo React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Able pro 8.0 Bootstrap 4, Angular 8 & React Redux Admin Template

Able pro 8.0 is a fully responsive React template. Some of its features include 1000+ UI Components, 5000+ Font Icons, 500+ Form Elements, 250+ Pages, 100+ Charts and Maps, 50+ Forms, 24+Menu Variations, 4 Dashboards, 1 Landing page, Plugins ready, advance menu layouts, 11+ Menu options, 100+ external plugins, free updates and premium support, detailed documentation, RTL support, Retina Ready, Authentication pages, Gradient Colors Selection, NPM and Gulp support, etc.

All these features of Able Pro 8.0 come with a regular license fee of just USD 29.

Elite Admin – Multipurpose Bootstrap, Angular, React & VueJs Dashboard Template

Elite Admin is a multipurpose React Template. It comes with some amazing features. Some of its features include 9 color skins, easy to customize, 2000+ pages, 1000+ UI Components, 3 level dropdown, e-commerce pages, multi-file upload, Light and Dark sidebar, 3000+ Fonts Icons, Calendar Design, 21 Demos, detailed documentation, dedicated support, regular updates, etc.

Elite Admin comes with a regular license fee of just USD 29.

Metronic – Bootstrap 4, Angular 8, React Admin Dashboard Theme

Metronic is a React Template that comes with a lot of features for building next-generation applications. Some of its features include Webpack integration, Togify plugin integration, multiple file upload, complete mail inbox application, exclusive layout builder, Pre-built applications, intuitive HTML version, etc.

Metronic comes with a regular license fee of just USD 35.

Max – React Redux Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Max is a powerful React template that would suit any type of project. It comes with 8 different navigation bars, 100+ widgets and components, 1500 plus font icons and hot modules for faster loading.

All these features of Max React Template come at a regular license fee of just USD 28.

StoryHub – React Gatsby Blog Template

StoryHub is a creative blog template made with React, Typescript and Gatsby JS. It comes packed with lots of essential features. Some of its features include Monorepo support, Instagram feed, Disqus integration, Mailchimp integration, 100% SEO friendly, etc.

StoryHub uses the opensource Gatsby framework which makes websites and apps built with StoryHub blazing fast.

StoryHub comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

React Page Template

Tovo – React App Landing Page

Tovo is a React-based landing page. It has an elegant and modern design. It also has lots of new pages in its latest version. Tovo React landing page comes with multiple features. Some of its features include 3 different home page layouts, 3 pre-built color presets, 100% responsive, Google fonts, free icons, easy customizations, etc.

All these great features of Tovo comes with a regular license fee of just USD 19.

Akavo – React Admin Template

Akavo is a modern React dashboard template. It can be used for a variety of projects including e-commerce, CRM, Banking system, campaign monitoring, cryptocurrency, etc.

Akavo comes with many modern features. Some of its features include Material UI, React boilerplate, 100% responsive layout, 60+ pages, 250+ UI Elements, free icon fonts, Recharts, Chart JS, React-Vis, Form validation, Redux, React Router 4, Google and Vector Maps, Live chat, free lifetime updates, Event calendar, etc.

Akavo comes with a regular license fee of just USD 10.

Mate – React Redux Material Admin Dashboard

Mate is an admin dashboard made with React. Some of its features include Flexbox Grid, Styled component, Firebase, Babel, ES6 & prettier, React Router 4, Redux-Saga, Async Loading, Material UI, Code splitting, Webpack, Auth0, RTL support, etc.

Mate comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Embryo – Angular 8, React JS and Vuejs Material Design eCommerce Template

Embryo is an E-commerce React Template. It is perfect for selling online products like clothing, garments, accessories, electronic items, etc.

It comes with lots of essential features. Some of its features include 3 different Home Pages, 20+ Inner Pages, Admin Section, Modern Design, RTL Support, Firebase, Algolia search, Google Map, Preloader, Toaser, Ngu-Carousel, Material Icons, Image Zooming, Support of multiple currencies, Lazy loading, Nested Routing, AoT Compilation, etc.

Embryo comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

EasyDev — Developer Friendly React Redux BS4 Admin Template + Seed Project

EasyDev is a modern developer-friendly React Template. You can use it for a variety of projects including e-commerce, analytics, sports, etc.

EasyDev comes with multiple features. Some of its features include Authorization, React App, Form validation, full documentation, Redux form, react hot loader, Multilanguage, 200+ UI Elements, Dark and light layouts, Calendar, 100% responsive, Detailed documentation, theme customizer, Email App, 6 different dashboards, Recharts, Chart Js, React-Vis, free lifetime updates, etc.

All these features of EasyDev come at a regular license fee of just USD 28.

Air UI — Multi-Concept Admin Template

Air UI is a multi-concept React Admin Template. Some of its features include 100+ pages, 22+ apps, 99+ widgets, Layered PSD Files, Limitless components, 99+ widgets, Ant Design Components, 17+ apps pages, 6 different layouts, 100% responsive, 4 icon packs, different color schemes, free updates, etc.

All these features of Air UI come with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Apex – React Admin Template with Bootstrap + Redux

Apex is the best React Admin Template of 2020. It's built-in with Redux workable apps like email, contacts, calendar and many other essentials. Some features include 200+ cards 100+ pages feather icons unlimited color options 2 different dashboards and so much more!

All these features of Apex React Template come with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

SuperProps – React Next Landing Page Templates

SuperProps is a React Next Landing Page Template. It has many modern features. Some of its features include Monorepo support, React Hooks, Styled components, SSR Friendly Landing Page, online documentation, customer support, Gatsby JS support, etc.

It can be used for multiple purposes like creating an interior landing page, charity landing page, CryptoCurrency landing page, Ridesharing landing page, Agency landing page, Hosting Landing Page, etc.

All these great features of SuperProps React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

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Flexile – React Redux Admin Template based on Ant Framework

Flexile is a modern React-based admin template. It comes with many powerful features. Some of its features include Multilingual support, 9 different layouts, both fixed and fluid layouts, Firebase integration, extended customizer, 200+ Ant Design custom font icons, 10+ implementation of Google & Vector Maps, 5+ event calendars, in-built apps, color pickers, rich editors, online documentation, Premium support, 100% responsive, etc.

All these powerful features of Flexile comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Mojosa – React Next Landing Page Templates

Mojosa is a pure React Next JS Template. It is a multipurpose React Template and comes with a lot of features. Some of its features include 27+ inner pages, RTL support, SEO-friendly code, Parallax, React Modal Video, React Wow, Sass, detailed documentation, easy customization, etc.

Mojosa comes with a regular license fee of just USD 17.

Novine – React Next eCommerce Templates

Novine is an e-commerce React Template. It has a clean and modern design. Novine is built with React Js, React-Redux, ES6+, Sass and Bootstrap 4. It also comes packed with lots of essential features. Some of its features include 4 demo versions, 100% responsive, Google fonts, awesome customized slider, detailed documentation, Retina ready, etc.

All these great features of Novine comes with a regular license fee of just USD 17.

Xtreme React Admin Template

Xtreme is an admin template built with React. It is one of the best react templates of 2020.It is based on a modular design that allows its users an easy to use customization option. It comes packed with multiple features. Some of its features include 3000+ font icons, 6 pre-defined color skins, 4+ different dashboards, 6 different demos, 250+ pages, 65+ UI elements, validation forms, Mega Menu, Chart Js, C3 Charts, detailed documentation, etc.

Xtreme React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 45

Stroyka – Tools Store React eCommerce Template

Stroyka is a react eCommerce template. It comes with many features. Some of its features include LTR and RTL support, CSS3 Animations, SVG Icons, BEM syntax, Roboto Google Font, PhotoSwipe Gallery, Grid and List products, Off-Canvas filters, Quickview, search suggestions, etc.

Stroyka comes with a regular license fee of just USD 26.

Rosy | React Multi-Purpose Template

Rosy is a creative and multipurpose React Template. It can be used for making a variety of websites like travel agency, corporate website, construction company website, medical website, restaurant website, photography website, etc.

Rosy also comes with a lot of essential features. Some of its features include RTL support, 3 different home page variations, 2 blog pages, W3 valid code, Retina ready, animate CSS, Free Google Fonts, Free updates, Contact form, detailed documentation, smooth scrolling, 100% responsive, etc.

Rosy comes with a regular license fee of just USD 17.

Farfly – Creative App Landing React Template

With Farfly, it's easy to build a modern landing page that excites customers. The template is 100% responsive and includes awesome blog pages with Bootstrap 4, SEO-friendly code throughout the site for better rankings in Google search results, as well as 24/7 support from our team of developers. In addition to all these features, you can use your custom font right on the website without converting PNGs or any other file type!

All these features of Farfly come with a regular license fee of just USD 16.

Multilan || React & Redux – Multipurpose Creative Landing Page Template

Multilan is a creative multipurpose landing page template made with React and Redux. Some of its features include 11 landing page templates, ES6+, easy customization, Retina Ready, well-commented code, detailed documentation, Google Fonts, 100% responsive, awesome customized slider, etc.

Multilan comes with a regular license fee of just USD 14

John – React Minimal Portfolio OnePage Template

John is a creative and minimal portfolio template built with React Js. It comes with many features. Some of its features include Google fonts, well documentation, parallax background effect, multiple blog pages, smooth transition effects, working contact form, detailed documentation, 100% responsive, clean and professional code, etc. Frameo app for windows 10.

All these features of John come with a regular license fee of just USD 15.

Endless – React Admin Template

Endless is a react template. Some of its features include 6+ dashboard, 40+ customizer options, Hooks functionality, firebase integrity, multi-language support, 20+ layout options, Light and dark template, RTL support, Google Fonts, Range slider, W3C validated code, Many charts options, etc.

Endless comes with a regular license fee of just USD 18.

Magemax – React JS Admin Dashboard

Magemax is a modern react js admin dashboard which will speed up your development process. It comes with many features. Some of its features include Google fonts, Ant design, 2 sidebars layouts, 100 React Js components, 3 dashboards, Sass, webpack, Retina Ready, etc.

Magemax comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Jibo – React Next App/Product Landing Page Templates

Jibo is a react based app and product landing page template. It has some great features. Some of its features include 16 different home page variations, Retina Ready, 100% responsive, awesome customized slider, well documentation, React Wow, React Modal video, smooth transition effects, integrated with icon font, simple client-side routing, multiple blog pages, Nodemailer, etc.

React Landing Page Template

Jibo comes with a regular license fee of just USD 17.

Oblas – React App Portfolio

Oblas is a react based portfolio application. It comes with lots of features. Some of its features include Hooks, Sass, font awesome, 100% responsive, detailed documentation, fast loading speed, Google fonts, modern design, etc.

Oblas comes with a regular license fee of just USD 16.

Free React Portfolio Templates

Elearning – Multipurpose React Education Template

Elearning is a React Js based multipurpose education template. It has all the features needed to create school, college and university websites for teachers or students alike! The website has a responsive layout, which will fit on any device screen size. The site also includes 11 HTML pages and SCSS files for 100% compatibility with most web browsers and Owl Carousel that can be used in each page with multiple effects& transitions options; pixel perfect design W3C validated code Retina Ready 24/7 support

Elearning comes with a regular license fee of just USD 23.

Login page template react

Nimmu is a modern and fully responsive React template. It comes with multiple features, some of which are 70+ pages, 250+ UI elements, Recharts Chart JS charts for data visualization purposes in any type of application or project; including marketing campaigns – Ad campaign/ event management to name two examples among many others.

Nimmu has been built from the ground up using Material-UI components as well as prebuilt libraries such as react router 4 and materialize CSS that comes ready out of the box!

All these great features of Nimmu comes at a regular license fee of just USD 9.

Saasland – MultiPurpose React Template For Startup Business

Sassland is a multipurpose React Template with multiple features. Some of its features include 6+ different homepages, 16+ unique pages, 70+ element blocks, Retina Ready, etc.

Sassland is also 100% responsive with a flat and modern design. Sassland comes with a regular license fee of just USD 15.

Sigma – React Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Sigma is a fully responsive and premium quality React Template. It comes with numerous features. Some of its features include hot modules for faster loading, 3 different layouts, 8 different navigation bars, color styles, 100+ unique pages, 500+ widgets, 1500+ font icons, etc.

All these features of Sigma come at a regular license fee of just USD 28.

Boss Ultimate – React Admin Template Material Design

Boss Ultimate is an admin dashboard template made with React and Redux. It makes the development process easy and fast, comes with multiple features. Some of its features include 25+ reusable react components, fully vector icons, responsive design, load modules with a happy pack, elegant design, etc.

All these great features of Boss Ultimate comes at a regular license fee of just USD 20.

One – React Next.js & Ant Design Admin Template

One is a creative and multipurpose admin template made with React, Next.js and Ant Design. It comes with many features and functionalities. Some of its features include 100% responsive, ant design, good documentation, easy to customize, styled-components, etc. You can use it in multiple projects be it a CRM or CMS.

One comes with a regular license fee of just USD 21.

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Gogo – React Admin Template

GoGo is a multipurpose React Template. It has got some awesome features. Some of its key features include Multilanguage support, code splitting, form validation, 10 different color schemes, 4 different dashboards, lots of reusable components, smart menu, Draft JS, Chart JS, etc.

All these essential features of GoGo comes at a regular license fee of just USD 28.

Primer – Angular & React Material Design Admin Template

Primer is a creative React template with multiple features, including Material UI and JSS styling. Its also comes with easy customization options for your app's design needs!

All these great features of Primer comes with a regular license fee of just USD 26.

Clean UI React Pro — Multi-Concept Admin Template

Clean UI React Pro is a multipurpose React admin template. It is suitable for a variety of web applications like CRM, CMS, Dashboards, etc. It comes packed with lots of essential features. Some of its features include responsive layout, multiple layouts, 4 icon packs, modular code, free updates, 6 different layout types, code splitting, HRM plugin, dynamic import, VUEX store, firebase authorization, Ant Design UI Kits, etc.

All these awesome features of Clean UI React Pro comes at a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Material Design ReactJS Admin Web App with Bootstrap 4

Material is a Google Material Design inspired React Template. It comes with multiple features for building different web applications for a variety of uses. Some of its features include responsive design, Material UI Kit, Powerful Layout, Multiple Themes, supports high resolution, Lazy loading, CSS3 with Sass, Modern HTML5, free updates, 900+ official material design icons, ES6 with Babel, package management with NPM, etc.

All these great and essential features of Material React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Free React Landing Page Template

Wieldy – React Admin Template Ant Design and Redux

Wieldy is a react template which includes html, jquery and bootstrap 4 versions as well. It can be used as an excellent starter kit for developing any type of web application. This comes with multiple features such as 200+ custom ant font icons, google maps, firebase APIs et cetera that include HMR (Hot Module Replacement), code splitting et cetera.

Wieldy has many useful features like you get 10 beautiful layouts to choose from when designing your website; 100 widgets; 3 layout colors to pick from – white black e blue.; Ant design next js version etc

Wieldy comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Reactify – React Redux Material BootStrap 4 + Laravel Admin Template

Reactify is premium quality and developer-friendly React Template. It is fully responsive and supports RTL languages. It also has many other features. Some of its features include a powerful dashboard, GTmetrix, horizontal menu, 30+ pages in sketch, 65+ exclusive widgets, 20+ chart widgets, Webpack 4, API integration, Axios, 1000+ font icons, etc

All these great and essential features of Reactify comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Multikart – Responsive React eCommerce Template

MultiKart is a multipurpose eCommerce React Template which is designed for use on variety of website. It comes with many features and some great ones include Dark and Light versions, SEO-friendly theme settings, customizable layout options in 10+ styles to fit your site's needs perfectly! With MultiKarts' mobile optimization you can be sure that it'll look phenomenal no matter what device people are viewing it from.

All these features of MultiKart E-commerce React Template come at a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Isomorphic – React Redux Admin Dashboard

Isomorphic is a React Template that is highly optimized for building React applications. Some of its features include free sketch files, Github access, Dockerfile, Code splitting, 100% responsive, Multilingual support, Async loading, Invoice builder, Algolia search, Ant Design, Styled component, Next.js, etc.

Isomorphic comes at a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Fuse – React Redux Material Design Admin Template

Fuse is a complete React Template. It uses Material UI, React Hooks and Redux. Some of its features include multiple layouts, easy color management, pre-built app examples, Firebase and JWT authentication, Skeleton project, 20+ content layouts, code splitting, error pages, maintenance page, etc.

All these wonderful features of Fuse React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 28.

Jumbo React – Redux Material BootStrap Admin Template

Jumbo React Template uses popular libraries such as Material UI, Redux, Redux-Saga, ReCharts, React-Big Calendar, etc. It comes with a pack of powerful features. Some of its features include 300+ UI Components, 150+widgets, and metrics, 25+Layered PSDs, 130+ designed pages, RTL support, Google Map, Multi-level routing, Dynamic routing, 100% responsive, 6 Navigation Styles, 6 in-built applications, Detailed documentation, etc.

All these essential features of Jumbo React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Able pro 8.0 Bootstrap 4, Angular 8 & React Redux Admin Template

Able pro 8.0 is a fully responsive React template. Some of its features include 1000+ UI Components, 5000+ Font Icons, 500+ Form Elements, 250+ Pages, 100+ Charts and Maps, 50+ Forms, 24+Menu Variations, 4 Dashboards, 1 Landing page, Plugins ready, advance menu layouts, 11+ Menu options, 100+ external plugins, free updates and premium support, detailed documentation, RTL support, Retina Ready, Authentication pages, Gradient Colors Selection, NPM and Gulp support, etc.

All these features of Able Pro 8.0 come with a regular license fee of just USD 29.

Elite Admin – Multipurpose Bootstrap, Angular, React & VueJs Dashboard Template

Elite Admin is a multipurpose React Template. It comes with some amazing features. Some of its features include 9 color skins, easy to customize, 2000+ pages, 1000+ UI Components, 3 level dropdown, e-commerce pages, multi-file upload, Light and Dark sidebar, 3000+ Fonts Icons, Calendar Design, 21 Demos, detailed documentation, dedicated support, regular updates, etc.

Elite Admin comes with a regular license fee of just USD 29.

Metronic – Bootstrap 4, Angular 8, React Admin Dashboard Theme

Metronic is a React Template that comes with a lot of features for building next-generation applications. Some of its features include Webpack integration, Togify plugin integration, multiple file upload, complete mail inbox application, exclusive layout builder, Pre-built applications, intuitive HTML version, etc.

Metronic comes with a regular license fee of just USD 35.

Max – React Redux Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

Max is a powerful React template that would suit any type of project. It comes with 8 different navigation bars, 100+ widgets and components, 1500 plus font icons and hot modules for faster loading.

All these features of Max React Template come at a regular license fee of just USD 28.

StoryHub – React Gatsby Blog Template

StoryHub is a creative blog template made with React, Typescript and Gatsby JS. It comes packed with lots of essential features. Some of its features include Monorepo support, Instagram feed, Disqus integration, Mailchimp integration, 100% SEO friendly, etc.

StoryHub uses the opensource Gatsby framework which makes websites and apps built with StoryHub blazing fast.

StoryHub comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

React Page Template

Tovo – React App Landing Page

Tovo is a React-based landing page. It has an elegant and modern design. It also has lots of new pages in its latest version. Tovo React landing page comes with multiple features. Some of its features include 3 different home page layouts, 3 pre-built color presets, 100% responsive, Google fonts, free icons, easy customizations, etc.

All these great features of Tovo comes with a regular license fee of just USD 19.

Akavo – React Admin Template

Akavo is a modern React dashboard template. It can be used for a variety of projects including e-commerce, CRM, Banking system, campaign monitoring, cryptocurrency, etc.

Akavo comes with many modern features. Some of its features include Material UI, React boilerplate, 100% responsive layout, 60+ pages, 250+ UI Elements, free icon fonts, Recharts, Chart JS, React-Vis, Form validation, Redux, React Router 4, Google and Vector Maps, Live chat, free lifetime updates, Event calendar, etc.

Akavo comes with a regular license fee of just USD 10.

Mate – React Redux Material Admin Dashboard

Mate is an admin dashboard made with React. Some of its features include Flexbox Grid, Styled component, Firebase, Babel, ES6 & prettier, React Router 4, Redux-Saga, Async Loading, Material UI, Code splitting, Webpack, Auth0, RTL support, etc.

Mate comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Embryo – Angular 8, React JS and Vuejs Material Design eCommerce Template

Embryo is an E-commerce React Template. It is perfect for selling online products like clothing, garments, accessories, electronic items, etc.

It comes with lots of essential features. Some of its features include 3 different Home Pages, 20+ Inner Pages, Admin Section, Modern Design, RTL Support, Firebase, Algolia search, Google Map, Preloader, Toaser, Ngu-Carousel, Material Icons, Image Zooming, Support of multiple currencies, Lazy loading, Nested Routing, AoT Compilation, etc.

Embryo comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

EasyDev — Developer Friendly React Redux BS4 Admin Template + Seed Project

EasyDev is a modern developer-friendly React Template. You can use it for a variety of projects including e-commerce, analytics, sports, etc.

EasyDev comes with multiple features. Some of its features include Authorization, React App, Form validation, full documentation, Redux form, react hot loader, Multilanguage, 200+ UI Elements, Dark and light layouts, Calendar, 100% responsive, Detailed documentation, theme customizer, Email App, 6 different dashboards, Recharts, Chart Js, React-Vis, free lifetime updates, etc.

All these features of EasyDev come at a regular license fee of just USD 28.

Air UI — Multi-Concept Admin Template

Air UI is a multi-concept React Admin Template. Some of its features include 100+ pages, 22+ apps, 99+ widgets, Layered PSD Files, Limitless components, 99+ widgets, Ant Design Components, 17+ apps pages, 6 different layouts, 100% responsive, 4 icon packs, different color schemes, free updates, etc.

All these features of Air UI come with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Apex – React Admin Template with Bootstrap + Redux

Apex is the best React Admin Template of 2020. It's built-in with Redux workable apps like email, contacts, calendar and many other essentials. Some features include 200+ cards 100+ pages feather icons unlimited color options 2 different dashboards and so much more!

All these features of Apex React Template come with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

SuperProps – React Next Landing Page Templates

SuperProps is a React Next Landing Page Template. It has many modern features. Some of its features include Monorepo support, React Hooks, Styled components, SSR Friendly Landing Page, online documentation, customer support, Gatsby JS support, etc.

It can be used for multiple purposes like creating an interior landing page, charity landing page, CryptoCurrency landing page, Ridesharing landing page, Agency landing page, Hosting Landing Page, etc.

All these great features of SuperProps React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

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Flexile – React Redux Admin Template based on Ant Framework

Flexile is a modern React-based admin template. It comes with many powerful features. Some of its features include Multilingual support, 9 different layouts, both fixed and fluid layouts, Firebase integration, extended customizer, 200+ Ant Design custom font icons, 10+ implementation of Google & Vector Maps, 5+ event calendars, in-built apps, color pickers, rich editors, online documentation, Premium support, 100% responsive, etc.

All these powerful features of Flexile comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Mojosa – React Next Landing Page Templates

Mojosa is a pure React Next JS Template. It is a multipurpose React Template and comes with a lot of features. Some of its features include 27+ inner pages, RTL support, SEO-friendly code, Parallax, React Modal Video, React Wow, Sass, detailed documentation, easy customization, etc.

Mojosa comes with a regular license fee of just USD 17.

Novine – React Next eCommerce Templates

Novine is an e-commerce React Template. It has a clean and modern design. Novine is built with React Js, React-Redux, ES6+, Sass and Bootstrap 4. It also comes packed with lots of essential features. Some of its features include 4 demo versions, 100% responsive, Google fonts, awesome customized slider, detailed documentation, Retina ready, etc.

All these great features of Novine comes with a regular license fee of just USD 17.

Xtreme React Admin Template

Xtreme is an admin template built with React. It is one of the best react templates of 2020.It is based on a modular design that allows its users an easy to use customization option. It comes packed with multiple features. Some of its features include 3000+ font icons, 6 pre-defined color skins, 4+ different dashboards, 6 different demos, 250+ pages, 65+ UI elements, validation forms, Mega Menu, Chart Js, C3 Charts, detailed documentation, etc.

Xtreme React Template comes with a regular license fee of just USD 45

Stroyka – Tools Store React eCommerce Template

Stroyka is a react eCommerce template. It comes with many features. Some of its features include LTR and RTL support, CSS3 Animations, SVG Icons, BEM syntax, Roboto Google Font, PhotoSwipe Gallery, Grid and List products, Off-Canvas filters, Quickview, search suggestions, etc.

Stroyka comes with a regular license fee of just USD 26.

Rosy | React Multi-Purpose Template

Rosy is a creative and multipurpose React Template. It can be used for making a variety of websites like travel agency, corporate website, construction company website, medical website, restaurant website, photography website, etc.

Rosy also comes with a lot of essential features. Some of its features include RTL support, 3 different home page variations, 2 blog pages, W3 valid code, Retina ready, animate CSS, Free Google Fonts, Free updates, Contact form, detailed documentation, smooth scrolling, 100% responsive, etc.

Rosy comes with a regular license fee of just USD 17.

Farfly – Creative App Landing React Template

With Farfly, it's easy to build a modern landing page that excites customers. The template is 100% responsive and includes awesome blog pages with Bootstrap 4, SEO-friendly code throughout the site for better rankings in Google search results, as well as 24/7 support from our team of developers. In addition to all these features, you can use your custom font right on the website without converting PNGs or any other file type!

All these features of Farfly come with a regular license fee of just USD 16.

Multilan || React & Redux – Multipurpose Creative Landing Page Template

Multilan is a creative multipurpose landing page template made with React and Redux. Some of its features include 11 landing page templates, ES6+, easy customization, Retina Ready, well-commented code, detailed documentation, Google Fonts, 100% responsive, awesome customized slider, etc.

Multilan comes with a regular license fee of just USD 14

John – React Minimal Portfolio OnePage Template

John is a creative and minimal portfolio template built with React Js. It comes with many features. Some of its features include Google fonts, well documentation, parallax background effect, multiple blog pages, smooth transition effects, working contact form, detailed documentation, 100% responsive, clean and professional code, etc. Frameo app for windows 10.

All these features of John come with a regular license fee of just USD 15.

Endless – React Admin Template

Endless is a react template. Some of its features include 6+ dashboard, 40+ customizer options, Hooks functionality, firebase integrity, multi-language support, 20+ layout options, Light and dark template, RTL support, Google Fonts, Range slider, W3C validated code, Many charts options, etc.

Endless comes with a regular license fee of just USD 18.

Magemax – React JS Admin Dashboard

Magemax is a modern react js admin dashboard which will speed up your development process. It comes with many features. Some of its features include Google fonts, Ant design, 2 sidebars layouts, 100 React Js components, 3 dashboards, Sass, webpack, Retina Ready, etc.

Magemax comes with a regular license fee of just USD 24.

Jibo – React Next App/Product Landing Page Templates

Jibo is a react based app and product landing page template. It has some great features. Some of its features include 16 different home page variations, Retina Ready, 100% responsive, awesome customized slider, well documentation, React Wow, React Modal video, smooth transition effects, integrated with icon font, simple client-side routing, multiple blog pages, Nodemailer, etc.

React Landing Page Template

Jibo comes with a regular license fee of just USD 17.

Oblas – React App Portfolio

Oblas is a react based portfolio application. It comes with lots of features. Some of its features include Hooks, Sass, font awesome, 100% responsive, detailed documentation, fast loading speed, Google fonts, modern design, etc.

Oblas comes with a regular license fee of just USD 16.

Free React Portfolio Templates

Elearning – Multipurpose React Education Template

Elearning is a React Js based multipurpose education template. It has all the features needed to create school, college and university websites for teachers or students alike! The website has a responsive layout, which will fit on any device screen size. The site also includes 11 HTML pages and SCSS files for 100% compatibility with most web browsers and Owl Carousel that can be used in each page with multiple effects& transitions options; pixel perfect design W3C validated code Retina Ready 24/7 support

Elearning comes with a regular license fee of just USD 23.

BusLine – React Next Business Landing Page

BusLine is an awesome React Js landing page and business template. It comes with all sorts of features, such as Sass support, a clean design that's modern yet not too flashy for your company's branding strategy, smooth scrolling to make visitors feel like they're browsing the web on their desktop computers rather than mobile devices (which can be distracting), and 100% responsive layout so it will work across any device or screen size without looking stretched out of proportion – even if you've got a phone from ten years ago! There are also lots of other creative details included in this package:

BusLine comes with a regular license fee of just USD 12.

Bit Money – React Bitcoin Template

Bit Money is a cryptocurrency template based on React Js. It is the most suitable template for online digital payment systems. It comes packed with multiple features. Some of its features include bitcoin graph chart, bitcoin wallet services, Google Web Fonts, 100% responsive, Preloader, W3C validated code, active and hover options, BootStrap components, Currency calculator, etc.

It comes with a regular license fee of just USD 15.

So, for your convenience, we have compiled a list of the best react templates that you can use to create an eCommerce website. You might also find these other 10+ React JS eCommerce templates useful as they are highly rated and well-reviewed on sites like Google Play Store and Amazon Appstore.

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